Bruce Broughton ist Film- und Fernsehkomponist sowie Filmdirigent. Seine bekanntesten Partituren schrieb er für Silverado, Tombstone, Lost in Space und Bambi II. Im Interview betont er die Bedeutung einer klassischen Ausbildung für Filmkomponisten und unterstreicht den Einfluss von Max Steiner und Erich Wolfgang Korngold auf die zeitgenössische Filmmusik.
„I think that it’s easy to consider Max Steiner as being the father of film music because the first really big film score, the way we understand film scores, was done by Max Steiner for King Kong. King Kong was very dramatic, very inventive, and very tightly connected to the film.“
„I would say that film music probably had its birth in the music of Germany and Eastern Europe [...] - that’s where Hollywood comes from.“
Bruce Broughton, film and television composers of works such as Silvarado, Hawaii Five-O, and Young Sherlock Holmes, discusses his career. Broughton examines the role of film music in the concert hall, the purpose of film scores, and the future of film music. He also reflects upon the necessity of classical training for composers, the difference between writing for television and film, and the prevalence of borrowing among composers. Additionally, Broughton explains his own experiences in various industries such as film, theme parks, and concert halls. Finally, Broughton contemplates the role that early film composers such as Max Steiner and Erich Korngold played in the formation of modern film music.
Die Fragen stellte Sandra Tomek. |