Brendan Carroll – Musiker und Musikologe im Interview
Brendan G. Carroll studierte Klavier und Orgel und arbeitete später als Musikpublizist, Radiomoderator, Berater für Labels wie Decca, Chandos, Nimbus, Koch, Harmonia Mundi, Deutsche Grammophon, sowie als Kulturmanager. Seine zahlreichen Artikel erschienen in allen größeren einschlägigen Musikmagazinen wie The Musical Times, Opera Now, Classical Music, Gramophone und Opera News. 1997 veröffentlichte er die wichtigste Publikation zum Leben und Werk Erich Wolfgang Korngolds, „The Last Prodigy”, welche 2012 erstmals ins Deutsche übersetzt und bearbeitet wurde.
Brendan G. Carroll studied piano and organ, and worked as a music journalist, broadcaster, adviser for labels such as Decca, Chandos, Nimbus, Koch, Harmonia Mundi, Deutsche Grammophon, as well as a cultural manager. He published numerous articles in The Musical Times, Opera Now, Classical Music, Gramophone und Opera News. 1997 the major biography of Erich Wolfgang Korngold “The Last Prodigy” was published, and was translated into German in an extended version in 2012.
Question: So can you say, that Korngold’s music influenced Steiner?
Question: Max Steiner grew up in this so artistic background, with his gradfather being the director of Theater an der Wien
and his father being so inventive with Vebice in Vienna, that he created a feeling for show and how to entertain.
Do you think that these surroundings were important for Steiner?
Question: Can you really say, that the Hollywood sound actually was the creation of Viennese composers?
Question: Why do you think, that Viennese don’t know about all of this?
Question: Do you know, how Korngold and Steiner felt, being in Los Angeles and actually not really returning
home anymore – how was it like for them?
Details from an interview with the total length of 46 min.